About Andrew

My love for woodworking started early, watching my dad make things in our attic as a young boy. I was fascinated.

At age 20 I had an opportunity to spend 6 months under the instruction of renowned furniture maker Art Carpenter in Bolinas, Calif. I learned the basics of making a sculptural style of furniture.

For a short time following my apprenticeship, I went into business making furniture. Then life got in the way so I paused. I didn’t know at the time the pause would last 50ish years! Not that I stopped creating. I’ve always loved doing projects with my children and making furniture for my family and friends. It has always been a big part of my life.

 A few years ago I was fortunate enough to put together a wood shop and now I can offer my passion and skills to you.

The pieces shown on this website are pieces I’ve made for my own home. It gives me great pleasure to live with such beautiful wood that comes alive in such a functional way. I would love to customize and build a unique piece for you or your clients.